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University Employee Onboarding Course

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This Articulate Storyline microlearning and eight videos were created for two onboarding courses for new employees at Florida Atlantic University's Center for Online and Continuing Education.

  • Responsibilities: Instructional Media Design

  • Tools Used: Articulate Storyline, Adobe Creative Cloud, Canvas, SCORM, Loom

  • Year: 2023

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Articulate Storyline: Course Media Workflow Review and Quiz

I created this Articulate Storyline microlearning for an onboarding course for the media team at Florida Atlantic University's (FAU) Center for Online and Continuing Education in the following seven steps:

  1. Identify the learner.

  2. Identify the context.

  3. Define the scope.

  4. Plan the microlearning.

  5. Build the microlearning in Articulate Storyline.

  6. Get feedback.

  7. Revise, publish, and embed.

First, I identified the learner. This microlearning would be completed by new hires on the media team at FAU's Center for Online and Continuing Education, as they completed their onboarding training.

Then, I identified the context. The learner would complete this microlearning in the middle of the second module, after watching a 10-15 minute video lecture that discusses the media team's workflow in depth.

With the learner and context identified, I defined the scope. Since the learner would complete this microlearning after the video lecture on the same topic, this microlearning would consist of a short review, followed by a quiz.

Next, I planned the microlearning. For the review, I chose to use a tabs interaction. For the quiz, I chose to use a drag and drop activity. 

After planning the microlearning, I built it in Articulate Storyline. I used this YouTube tutorial on from The eLearning Designer's Academy by Tim Slade as a guide to create the tabs interaction and portions of various YouTube tutorials to create the drag and drop activity. As with all media I have produced for FAU, I used colors and fonts from the brand guidelines. For visuals, I used open-source illustrations from unDraw.

In the last two steps, I got feedback from my supervisor, revised the microlearning accordingly, published for LMS/LRS distribution, and embedded the microlearning in the Canvas course development shell using the SCORM.

Videos: Embed Mediasite Videos into Canvas and Six Others

I scripted, self-recorded, and edited the following video for an onboarding course for the media team at FAU's Center for Online and Continuing Education.

For the same onboarding course for the media team, I also edited three simple PowerPoint lectures and the following three walk-through/tutorial videos in a similar style to the one above. 

Video: Team Introduction

I edited the following video for an onboarding course for all team members at FAU's Center for Online and Continuing Education. The editing included color correction, audio sweetening, B-roll, motion graphics, music, and sound effects.



This project was my first time using Articulate Storyline. I found it very easy to learn since it's based on Microsoft Office products, which I've been using for years, and I'm already familiar with conditional branching from my professional experience creating 360° VR science labs in CenarioVR. I look forward to opportunities to create lengthier, more complex courses in Articulate Storyline.

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