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Leadership Certificate for
Behavioral Health Professionals

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The Leadership Certificate for Behavioral Health Professionals is a continuing education certificate offered through Florida Atlantic University's College of Social Work.

  • Responsibilities: Instructional Media Design, Project Management

  • Tools Used: Adobe Creative Cloud, Canvas, Mediasite, Recording Equipment

  • Year: 2022-2023


I collaborated with one ID, one other colleague, and seven SMEs to create the media for this certificate during my two years of experience at Florida Atlantic University's (FAU) Center for Online and Continuing Education. The lead SME was a professor at FAU. Two of the six guest SMEs were also FAU professors and the remaining four worked outside of FAU.

As with all online courses I worked on while at FAU, the media development for this project took place in four phases: pre-production, production, post-production, and media build. Throughout the project, I maintained communication with the ID, colleague, and SMEs via email and updated the project management software, Wrike.


After my supervisor took part in the initial meeting and assigned this unique project to me, I joined the second blueprint meeting with the ID and lead SME. During that meeting, we started to discuss the certificate media and I scheduled the first recording session. 


After the first recording session, the lead SME put me in touch with the six other SMEs and I scheduled and conducted the remaining recording sessions. Due to time constraints, one of my colleagues assisted on this project by conducting some of the those sessions.


As I conducted the recording sessions, I populated the Media Plan, a Google Sheets spreadsheet, with the following information: module number and topic, video title, SME, recording session number and date, and total number of videos recorded.


After each recording session, I edited the videos in Adobe Premiere Pro within 5-7 business days. I incorporated motion graphics to highlight important information and adhered to FAU's branding guidelines. The videos were reviewed by my supervisor or a Digital Media Coordinator and revised, if necessary.
Media Build

With all the recording and editing complete, I uploaded the videos to Mediasite, embedded the videos in the Canvas development shell, and triggered captions.

In total, I produced 32 certificate videos over 9 recording sessions, plus two videos to promote the certificate. The media for this course included talking head module and personal introductions and a course introduction with motion graphics, PowerPoint lectures, and a Lightboard lecture.

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This certificate involved a significant amount of work that provided an excellent exercise in project management. It was my first experience collaborating with more than one SME at a time and with SMEs outside of FAU, as well as with a colleague on multiple recording sessions in a short timeframe.

By nature I am already highly organized, but this project was an opportunity to further practice asset management, time management, communication, and adaptability. Before each recording session that was to be handled by my colleague, I needed to itemize what was to be recorded, determine the studio set-up, gather scripts and PowerPoints, send a calendar invitation, update the project management software, Wrike, and then communicate and share information and files with my colleague.

I also enjoyed finding ways to balance variety with consistency throughout the videos presented by the seven different SMEs. Each set of introductions - module and personal - used the same intro motion graphic and sound effect and I used the same three call-out motion graphics throughout. For the green screen, I used one FAU campus photo per SME. And as with all videos I have produced for FAU, I used colors and fonts from the brand guidelines.

This was one of my favorite projects from my two years of experience at FAU's Center for Online and Continuing Education. I enjoyed the complexity, workload, and collaboration with multiple SMEs. I look forward to working on similar projects in the future. If you have questions about this project, then please contact me.

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