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Introduction Videos for Blended
Training Program for Managers

Introduction Videos Mock-up.jpg

These two introduction videos were created for a blended sales management training program for the Sales Force Development team at HUB International.

  • Responsibilities: Instructional Media Design

  • Tools Used: Adobe Premiere Pro, Vimeo

  • Year: 2024


I collaborated with a subject-matter expert to create these two introduction videos for a blended training program for Account Managers. I edited the videos in Adobe Premiere Pro, adding motion graphics to highlight important information. After a review and revision process, the video was uploaded to the Learning Management System, TalentLMS.

Introduction Videos Blended Thumbnail 3.jpg
Introduction Videos Blended Thumbnail 2.jpg
Introduction Videos Blended Thumbnail 4.jpg


I recently learned about Richard Mayer’s multimedia learning theory. Looking back on this project now, I notice that we observed three out of the twelve principles of multimedia learning. Here are the three principles and how we applied them:


  • Signaling Principle

    • Meaning: Learning is enhanced when cues are added to draw attention to vital information. 

    • Application: I highlighted important information by adding cues in the form of motion graphics.

  • Pre-Training Principle

    • Meaning: Learners should receive an overview of key concepts before receiving the main content. Pre-training activates prior knowledge and primes learners to retain new information.

    • Application: We created these introductory videos to explain key concepts to learners before they start working through the main content.

  • Voice Principle

    • Meaning: People learn better when real presenters, rather than machines, make voice overs. 

    • Application: The training facilitator appears in and narrates these introductory videos, rather than an AI-generated voice from a tool like WellSaid Labs.

Now that I am aware of this theory, I am interested in looking back on other past projects to note what principles I unknowingly applied and in actively applying principles to future projects.

If you have questions about this project, then please contact me.

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