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Materials for In-Person
Sales Training Program

Materials for In-Person Program.jpg

These various materials were created for use in an award-winning in-person, five-day sales training program with over twenty-five attendees, held every four months.

  • Responsibilities: Graphic Design, Video Editing

  • Tools Used: Canva, Microsoft PowerPoint, Vyond

  • Year: 2023-24


I designed and developed, or assisted in developing, the follow training and supplementary materials for use in an award-winning in-person sales training program:

  • PowerPoint slideshow

  • Program guide

  • Workbook

  • Informational videos

  • Informational graphics


This training program is held every four months for over twenty-five attendees.

PowerPoint Slideshow, Program Guide, and Workbook

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, I designed templates with Slide Masters for the slideshow, program guide, and workbook and assisted in transferring the training content into the templates. Each template was designed within brand guidelines and optimized for retention.

  • Slideshow

    • Digital

    • 28 slide layouts​

    • 200+ slides

  • Program guide

    • Printed

    • 7 slide layouts​

    • 140+ pages

  • Workbook

    • Printed

    • 5 slide layouts​

    • 50+ pages

Informational Videos

Using Vyond, I created five looping animated informational videos that played before the start of each day, as attendees entered the room and took their seats. Each video contained some or most of the following sections, depending on the day of the week:

  • People To Know

    • Names, titles, and photos ​of five C-suite executives

  • Cocktail Hour

    • Location and time for group event on Monday evening​

  • Share On LinkedIn

    • LinkedIn logo and two branded hashtags for posts​

  • Yesterday

    • Two photos from the previous day's training or group event​

  • Team Leaderboard

    • Team names and prize money totals from previous day's training​

  • Lunch Menu

    • Starter, entrees, sides, and dessert listed​

Informational Graphics

Using Canva, I created five sets of five to seven informational graphics for a digital kiosk that was placed outside of the room, for attendees to use and read as they walked into the room. Each set of graphics contained most or all of the following types of graphics:

  • Welcome

    • Greeting, day number, QR code, and call to check in to the training on Cornerstone OnDemand using the QR code​

  • LinkedIn

    • LinkedIn logo and two branded hashtags for posts​

  • WiFi Info

    • Name and password for room WiFi​

  • Reminders

    • One to three short reminders about training content or logistics, like "Tell me more!" and "Don't forget your daily email!"​

  • Lunch N' Learn

    • Name and title of guest speaker and name of conference room where guest speaker lunch would be held ​

  • Daily Agenda

    • High-level agenda with times, including scheduled breaks​

  • Cocktail Hour

    • Location and time for group event on Monday evening​​

Share on LinkedIn.jpg
People to Know.jpg
Lunch Menu.jpg
PowerPoint Template.jpg
Program Guide.jpg


With this project, I became adept at using the Slide Master in Microsoft PowerPoint. I was also able to practice graphic design for instructional design.

If you have questions about this project, then please contact me.

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